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Our wetlands team use innovative and science-based solutions to restore, preserve, and rehabilitate coastal wetlands.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Wetlands and freshwater habitats
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We house Australia's largest seagrass research group and have more than 40 years of experience in seagrass research and monitoring across the Great Barrier Reef, Great Sandy Strait and northern Australia.

Seagrass habitats

Seagrass habitats
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Our projects focus on monitoring, assessing, and restoring mangrove ecosystems to address environmental changes and impacts. We provide expert advice, conduct detailed floristic surveys, and develop effective mitigation strategies.


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We use a combination of conventional and innovative research using cutting-edge technology to monitor the trends in the abundance, distribution and habitat use of megafauna across Australia and globally.

Marine megafauna

Marine megafauna
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Technology is revolutionising the way scientists monitor, research and uncover new information about habitats and species. We are at the forefront of testing the feasibility of new technologies, including eDNA, drones and AI.

eDNA and technology

eDNA and technology
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We play a major role in monitoring the condition and tracking long-term trends of water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef. We work closely with cane farmers and graziers to help reduce runoff.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Water quality: catchment to reef
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Our scientists undertake multiple monitoring programs to provide governments, industries and communities with essential data on the condition of coral habitats.

Coral reef habitats

Coral reef habitats
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We monitor fish habitats and species in both freshwater and marine environments. This research monitors fish populations, tracks invasive fish species and helps understand fish communities.

Fish habitats

Fish habitats
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We provide industries, communities and government with science-based solution to better manage, protect and restore tropical ecosystems. 

Our research and projects span freshwater, seagrass, mangroves, megafauna, coral reef and aquatic species. We have a strong focus on water quality and biosecurity issues, and use the latest technology revolutionise how we monitor, research and manage aquatic ecosystems. 

Our research

We are working with the Department for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water to improve Australia's environmental planning and approval processes for threatened and migratory species and ecological communities.

Improving outcomes for threatened and migratory species and threatened ecological communities

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We are developing restoration techniques for oyster reefs and Vallisneria, marking the first Vallisneria restoration in Australia and the first oyster reef restoration in the Australian tropics.

Oyster and Vallisneria restoration with Wanjuru-Yidinji Traditional Owners

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We're working with Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Rangers in a long-term partnership to map and monitor benthic habitats and the megafauna, and provide the tools and training to support Rangers in managing their Sea Country.

Building capacity of Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Rangers

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Featured projects

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