Heather Robson

PhD Candidate

Heather is currently an Associate Dean for Learning & Teaching within the College of Science and Engineering. She has fulfilled several roles at JCU as an Academic Adviser, Course Coordinator for the BSc, and Manager of Undergraduate teaching in the former College of Marine & Environmental Science. Her research is in an exciting new field of genetics which uses environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding to monitor tropical freshwater biodiversity.  She is particularly interested in using eDNA techniques to detect invasive fish, such as tilapia and rare and critically endangered species such as the Armoured Mistfrog.  The primary groups that she works on are fish, turtles, frogs and crustaceans but she is always looking to expand and collaborate!

Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dean Jerry

Co-supervisors: Dr. Damien Burrows, Dr Carolyn Smith-Keune, Dr. Roger Huerlimann,

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